Seeds of Destiny

Paperbark Maple Acer griseum Seed Pods 2084px

Paperbark Maple Acer griseum Seed Pods 2084px (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Provided by Norma Torres  · International School of Hard Knocks

Hope is the Seed of Faith
Faith is the Seed of Drive
Drive is the Seed of Seek
Seek is the Seed of Knowledge
Knowledge is the Seed of Awareness
Awareness is the Seed of Power
Power is the Seed of Choice
Choice is the Seed of Abundance
Abundance is the Seed of Dream
Dream is the Seed of Happiness
Happiness is the Seed of Pleasure
Pleasure is the Seed of Desire
Desire is the Seed of Destiny

Published in: on November 30, 2013 at 3:06 pm  Comments (8)  
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Just Wondering

Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wond...

Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wondering (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“You do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it’s all about.”

My favourite line from a commercial on television shows a woman who is wide awake at night thinking all kinds of thoughts, and one that occurs to her is: “What if the hokey pokey is what it is all about?”

Would that be so bad?

Published in: on November 29, 2013 at 3:22 pm  Comments (24)  
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Churchill was wrong when he said “All we have to fear is fear itself”

English: Cowboy style boots

English: Cowboy style boots (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


 Krista’s prompt for today: People are afraid of all kinds of things: spiders, the dark, or being enclosed in small spaces. Tell us about your greatest fear — rational or irrational.

My greatest fear is that I will not reach my potential. People dream of retiring—but I do not. I dream of dying with my boots on—doing whatever it is at the time that I am passionate about.

Here are some other things I am afraid of:

1. Touching dead insects – you know when you see a speck on the floor and pick it up and then find out that it is a dead bug? Well that creeps me out. Live spiders do not bother me, but touching one that is dead does.

2. Driving beyond 15 miles from my house because that gets me into the dangerous territory of four lane highways, lots of traffic, and panic-driven mistakes. I did not get my licence until I was thirty-five and I still believe that me driving just locally (and never on snow or ice covered streets) has saved the lives of countless people.

3. Looking silly when I do not mean to be silly. Looking silly when you mean to be silly is a totally different thing.

4. Having to wear one of those beeper things around my neck and tell someone “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” That is my nightmare. I no longer laugh at those commercials. I think about the fact that that could be me someday.

5. Sticking my hand into a bag of potatoes and getting a rotten one. This fear harkens back to my childhood when my family kept 50 pound bags of potatoes in a shed outback (we called the shed “The Building”) and being sent out there at supper time to get potatoes. I stuck my hand in rotten potatoes several times and the stink and slime of the experience is still a very bad memory.

6. Trick or treaters who are taller than I am.

*7. Bananas.

8. Finding something hard when you bite into something soft. I realize that this needs some explanation—my husband once bit into frozen yogurt and found a piece of glass.

9. Heights. Or more specifically—looking down from heights.


Lighthouse (Photo credit: Bill Deys)

10. Climbing a narrow ladder that goes straight up—was in a lighthouse once with a very narrow ladder that led to where the light was and I got stuck halfway up and had to come down. Now if you think I am a chicken, I must tell you that before we were allowed in the lighthouse and near the ladder we had to sign a waiver. That should have been my first warning.

*I am not really afraid of bananas—just wanted to see if you were awake.

So what do you fear?

Published in: on November 28, 2013 at 2:33 pm  Comments (27)  
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English: A sand sculpture of the Dr. Seuss cha...

The Grinch (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just to be contrary and to prove that it is not Thanksgiving here (Canada) tomorrow I thought I would write a post about all the things I am not thankful for. I am not often aggressively contrary –perhaps a little passive aggressive at times, but aren’t we all?


So it is just me—well, then—let me get on with my ungrateful list anyway:

1.  I washed one of my favourite sweaters with an errant Kleenex (actually it was a Scotties tissue) left in the pocket of my jeans. It is now covered in big white pills of tissue, strips of tissue, and especially wonderful—a million little itty bitty pieces of tissue. I try to forget that I really like this charcoal coloured V-neck and that it complemented about a million things in my wardrobe because I am really not up to harvesting all the bits, pieces and strips of tissue. I am very ungrateful for that stupid tissue.

2. I am quite unthankful for fact that I am not supposed to drink with the new medication I am on. I am not a big drinker (a bottle of wine lasts a week and a half at my house) but on occasion I do enjoy a tipple. Must admit I cheat a little, but with the permission of a pharmacist who says I can have half a glass of wine.

3. I am not grateful for all those people who got out there while the weather was still fine and put up their outside Christmas decorations and lights. Don’t they know that the whole spirit of the thing depends on frozen digits and runny noses?

4. I do not give thanks for the bad things that happen to me for the wisdom that they are supposed to impart. I can learn just as well from the good things.

5. I do not give thanks for socks with holes in the toes. Or the heels. But most especially for holes in the toes.

6. I am waiting for the infernal fashion of bare legs to be over. Who started this? Whoever it was—I am ungrateful for them.

7. I am really unhappy that a lot of the styles I wore three and a half decades ago are back in fashion—but I can no longer partake.

 Okay that is enough complaining—where is that half glass of wine I am allowed?

What are you ungrateful for? (American friends—you do not have to answer this.)

Cheese Puffs and Moth Balls

Chocolate Extravaganza!

Chocolate Extravaganza! (Photo credit: Rachel Ford James)

The Daily prompt by Krista was too good to ignore today. She wants us to “Tell us about the favourite dish or food that you simply cannot turn down.”

I love a challenge–

1. Chocolate – but not all forms. Has to be just the right chocolate. I love a deep milk chocolate especially in combination with caramel and nuts—so I am crazy about O Henry bars. I love my Hostess cupcakes with that white filling that doubles as death by sugar; and chocolate covered almonds are to die for. But I am not crazy about chocolate chip muffins, or chocolate whip cream, or chocolate pudding.  And though dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you, it is a little bitter for my palate unless accompanied by my favourite winery’s rose.

cheese puffs, the soft kind

cheese puffs without moth balls (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

2. Cheese puffs – I do not indulge in these often as they are a useless snack of lost calories—but they bring back wonderful memories of childhood—but also one disturbing one: one of my grandmas always had these on hand for a snack but she kept them in the same cupboard with her mothballs. I was always so disappointed when she brought them out because I could not eat them as they seemed to taste like what I think mothballs would taste like.

3. Shrimp. Ice cold and dipped in slightly tangy shrimp sauce—I have to try to be demure at parties when these are served so as not to eat more than my fair share. I fail at this, as whenever someone asks a host where I am at a party—the answer is always “she is by the shrimp”.

4. Pineapple – I just love chunks of fresh pineapple.

5. Chili and pizza – no explanation needed.

7. Bread – it would kill me to find out that I am whatever that is that makes you eat gluten free.

8. Coca Cola – I so try to give it up. I poured it on an ivy plant once when I was in university and the plant rusted. Seriously, I did that. And then still drank it. I now have it only on occasion.

Français : Une cannette de Coca-Cola italienne...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

9. In no particular order: steak, prime rib, roasted potatoes, cheesecake, cherry pie, lamb, tomatoes out of the garden, corn on the cob dripping with butter and lightly salted, lemon chicken, scallops, stuffing, gravy, cashews, honey crisp apples, butter (shades of Paula Deen), onions, mustard, …..

10. Okay my favourite food is food except for lima beans, those cute little cabbage things—brussel sprouts, canned peas, and bad pastry that does not resemble pastry.

So, do you have a favourite food, or are you like me and just basically love food of any and (mostly) all types?

Neil Gaiman Rocks!

I am reblogging this so that this is on my blog and I can return to it at my leisure–thanks for this Audra!

Published in: on November 26, 2013 at 1:00 pm  Comments (7)  

How To Lie With Statistics

A self taken shot of the Ambassador bridge on ...

Ambassador bridge on the Canadian/American border. Taken from the Canadian side of the border (Windsor) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  I am beginning to sound like a broken record–but again I present to you my weekly newspaper column hot off the computer. If you are wondering, the Windsor I am talking about is in Ontario, Canada, right across the border from Detroit, Michigan. I live in a small town about 30 miles away or since I am Canadian, 50 kilometers away.  Toronto as most people now know, is under siege by Mayor Tom Ford, who refuses to give up the ghost.       

So who said: Laughter is the best medicine? Seems we do not know. One answer from Google was: “It is an old proverb”. Well, I could have told you that. So I continued my in-depth research and Ed from Yahoo Answers said: “The first one to coin this expression is unknown, but Harry Ward Beecher said “Mirth is God’s best medicine,” so the quote was probably “spun off that.” And you have to admit that some of the things God is given credit for creating are pretty funny (noses, ears that stick out {by the way thank you God for blessing me with just one ear that sticks out}, kangaroos, and mayors of big cities who refuse to take a hint.) My research ended there as there were over 200,000 answers and most of them were psychological in nature—and who wants to go there?

            Anyway, this whole laughter thing is just a prelude to my book review of the book “Stats Canada”, which sounds pretty dry at first glance—but wait—the subtitle says it all: “Satire on a National Scale”—so this is apparently not a dry document put out by the Feds, unless of course they are now hiring people with a sense of humour who are into counting the number of times the average Canadian says they are sorry. It is over 45,000 times a day in case you are interested. The real authors are a team of three and their names are Andrew Bondy, Ron Bostelaar, and Julie Davidovich. Bondy hales from Windsor and got a degree from my alma mater (U of Windsor – who says this institution of higher learning does not put out great humourists—Andy and I went there). Bostelaar admits to being from two towns in Ontario “that are not Toronto” and received the “lowest grades of his university career in statistics (hence this book); and Davidovich is proudly from Toronto but for some reason moved to Los Angeles as she “gravitates to smoggy atmospheres with dense, soupy air” because she “owns zero pairs of snow boots and would like to keep it that way.”

            So just being introduced to the authors paves the way for jocularity and hilarity and already we have not gotten as far as chapter one. (Yes, I wanted to use a word other than gotten, but it just seemed to fit.) The Introduction (which, just in case you were wondering is also not the first chapter) includes such interesting statistics as the fact that 30% of grade five students are not aware that New Brunswick is in Canada, which seemed to prove to the authors that the province is little more than a footnote; the statisticians only ordered pizza on Tuesdays; and only 15% of their findings came from Wikipedia. They also included this sentence: “Si vous êtes en mesure de lire ceci, s’il vous plait fermer le livre. Pas de Franchies authorises” which translated is anti-French so I will not translate as part of my last name is French, though I did not do the subject proud in high school (one teacher told me he would pass me if I promised not to take French in grade 13—I promised and then got pretty darn good marks in grade 13 once I dropped biology.)

            Anyway, back to the subject at hand—making fun of Canada and all things Canadian.  I am only allowing this book to do so because it is by two Canadians and an expatriate (who I believe only left because her calves were too big for boots). If anyone else makes fun of my home and native land, all bets and gloves are off.

            This being the last week of November, I felt that we all needed a few laughs, so this is my contribution to some pre-Christmas mirth and merriment. What follows are a few of the illustrious authors’ findings based on stats provided to remove you from eighteen dollars of your hard-earned money:

1. 79% of Canadians just mouth the words during the French part of the national anthem.

2. Some of the top Canadian pastimes include: cooking bacon; eating bacon; practicing loon calls; reading old copies of HELLO! Canada at the salon; not complaining; holding doors open; tobogganing (drunk); tobogganing (sober); waiting for tea to steep; being polite and courteous; counting Canadian Tire money; filling up the beer fridge; opening the cottage; picking fights with other parents in the stands during house league hockey games.

3. Canada’s highest rated TV show is “The Weather”.

4. Four out of five Canadians spend 7 hours a day commenting on the weather.

5. Toronto experiences an average of 28 smug alert days annually (Rob Ford has single-handedly brought that statistic down by at least 20.)

Topographic and bathymetric map of the Great Lakes

Map of the Great Lakes (Photo credit: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory)

And last but not least:

6. 3 out of the 5 great lakes are just okay lakes.

*How To Lie With Statistics is the only book I remember reading at university and it was from a first year introductory psychology course. And I was there for six years! Explains a lot, I know.

Published in: on November 25, 2013 at 1:39 pm  Comments (43)  
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Count Your Blessings

I love it when people use their noggans–I found this quite clever…….

Retired Ruth

Some of my friends are posting each day on things for which they are thankful.    Many of them are universal blessings that we all share.  It’s been a busy month here with harvest, medical appointments, scheduled surgery, visits from out-of-towners, and holiday preparations.  So, this year, I am taking the easy way out.  I have many blessings.  I just don’t have time to list them right now!

Blessings to all my blog readers!


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Published in: on November 23, 2013 at 5:58 pm  Comments (6)  

November 21st

Angel Wings

Angel Wings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

November days are

Flying by on fleeting wings~

Making their escape!

Published in: on November 21, 2013 at 9:39 pm  Comments (20)  
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Yup. That’s how they (thoughts) roll.

David comes up with some of the best quotes…..

Live & Learn





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Published in: on November 21, 2013 at 1:35 pm  Comments (8)