*Don’t Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful

This post was written semi-tongue-in-cheek, but there is some truth to it:

'Tongue in Cheek' at Goodwood Sculpture Park

‘Tongue in Cheek’ at Goodwood Sculpture Park (Photo credit: tednsteph)

Prompt of the Day: You’re asked to nominate someone for TIME’s Person of the Year. Who would it be, and why?

Well, Michelle, I would nominate me. Why? Because no one else would. I have been in the situation where no matter what I do, how much I do, or how well I do it, there is always someone who does it just that little bit better,  or does a little bit more, or knows how to get recognized for doing what they do.

I think that I should be Person of the Year and represent Everywoman.

So many of us are not recognized in a big way for the things we do. And I know we should do them anyway—just because, and not for the recognition. But it sure would be nice to be acknowledged.

At this point I cannot hand out any award or give someone tuition for university. But I hope to be in that position someday. And do you know who would be the recipients of my largess? The Vice-President of Student Council. The planners of the prom. The yearbook editor.  The kid who gets A- or B+ and in some cases the kid who worked their a** off to get a C. These are all substantial, smart, and deserving people. And on occasion I would give it to the A+ student, the President of the Student Council, or the Prom Queen or King because I am nothing if not fair, and many of these people had to work hard too. But, I am just saying…..they are more likely to get recognition because of their higher profiles.

I am not saying the right people do not get recognized all the time. But sometimes the right people do not get recognized. Sometimes I wonder about nominators and think “who died and made you queen?” Who bestowed on you the wisdom of the ages to declare someone Person of the Year? Or most beautiful woman? Or sexiest man? Or, well, you get my drift……………

Bliss is speaking out even if it makes you sound stupid. Am I right?

*I always hated that

This Night Stands On Its Own Merits

heart with smile

heart with smile (Photo credit: Pan.101)

“You cannot judge the prudence of an action by the results.” ~ Henrietta Ann Klauser, Put Your Heart on Paper

After Klauser makes that statement she follows it with this truth: “What a hard truth and profound statement. It will give you great power when you are at peace with that.”

Her book, “Put Your Heart on Paper”, is one of my favorites, but I must say that this statement particularly resonates with me. I hate to do something and not realize the results. I want to know that my effort was not in vain. That the work or time I have put into something counts. But even if we cannot see the results, or the results are different than we anticipated, Klauser want us to know that the effort was worth it.

She tells of an insight she received from a friend when she told him the story of staying up one night when she was at university to comfort a friend in crisis even though she should have been studying. She told him that if she still passed the test than the time spent with her friend was worth it. The insight she received was this: “No, whether you pass or not, this night stands on its own merits.”

Those simple words, “…this night stands on its own merits” is one we can learn from. The action is what was important, not the outcome or what we would consider the reward. The reward in this case is that the friend was helped through her crisis and that was the important thing—the thing that had merit

I find myself always looking to do the thing that is worthwhile—the thing where the outcome will be worth the effort put into it. Now I am thinking that the process may be the key and that the time and effort put into something is worth merit, not just the product.

I seem to be quite serious of late, sort of giving myself some “self-talks”. Will let you know if they are successful, but I guess I should keep in mind that the process of working things out is just as important as the end result.

(I am hedging my bets and buying a lottery ticket too though).

Bliss is the journey as much as the destination. What do you think?