The Reality of Bliss

Cover of "Merriam Webster Dictionary"

Cover of Merriam Webster Dictionary

Breaking it down into its very simplest components, blissfulness is aptly described by the online Merriam -Webster Dictionary as “a feeling or state of well-being and contentment”.

Even more fundamentally Merriam-Webster  expressed it so that even the most simple-minded (me) could understand, using it in a sentence that it near and dear to most of our hearts. From their descriptive sentence we can understand the word clearly:  “the blissfulness that only a full stomach and warm bed can bring”. In other words, most of us can capture bliss.

Do you ever think about those who cannot capture it even in this most fundamental way? Those who do not have enough food to feel full, or a warm bed to lay their weary heads?

I find myself complaining at my lot in life sometimes. But there are some who would never even consider bliss to be an option. I am happy to be able to discuss and define and actually experience bliss.

I have nothing clever or funny to say today–but the reality that I can write about bliss is blissful.

Is bliss a full stomach and warm bed?

Published in: on January 17, 2013 at 7:02 pm  Comments (46)  
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46 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Definitely a warm bed with our cold nights. I love the softness of my mattress and the comfort from the heavy blankets, some mornings I hate to get up to start the day.

  2. You’re so right, LouAnn! We are so abundantly blessed and yet we often take what we have for granted or even grumble about what we don’t have. Thank you for the reminder!

  3. It is for me! Add a book and I’m in heaven.

  4. my bliss is yet to be ;;)

  5. I don’t think about food that much. When I lie down in my bed and I feel bone weary then I feel like I’m in heaven. And I do think about people that are in war torn countries and children in third world countries who have no parents, no food, no where to go but the streets and, all of the adversities that affects those that are so much less fortunate than I. Yes, truly, most of us in North America live a blissful life. When I think of how my life is so miserable I feel guilty and ashamed for not being more grateful, etc etc. The list is long of how much we have in the U.S and Canada. Honestly I have gone off in another direction- but actually most of us should feel blissful and humble and, thankful.

    • yes we should be blissful and humble and grateful–I could not have said it better myself

  6. I always think about all the people/ children that are hungry, cold, scared, hurting, alone, etc. and I include them in my prayers. How lucky are we to have a warm, clean bed to sleep in? As we get older, and see more of the world, it gets harder to ignore those sad realities. I end up feeling so grateful.

    • I know – though we do have our things to get through–we have food and a bed to sleep in

  7. I would think so. But – even then – some people are missing the bliss. There are some who may not have the material things that we think are basics. Yet – they seem to find bliss in their days. A blessing.

    • and we should learn a lesson from them

      • Yep

    • I think that is it. Finding a quiet joy or deep contentment in your life. You may not have ‘everything’ but you appreciate what you do have.

  8. […] The Reality of Bliss ( […]

  9. Yes – give me contentment rather than euphoria any day. Great post!

  10. Right now, bliss would be a good book, a warm fire, and never having to go back to work again! 🙂

  11. Food and warmth are definitely bliss to me. It was super cold this morning when I woke up but I was very grateful to be warm underneath a heavy blanket. We all need simple reminders like these from time to time about how lucky we are. 🙂

    • we take so much for granted–I am about to crawl under the covers in a few minutes with more gratefulness than before

  12. It is really powerful to think, at least according to that definition, I achieve bliss every night. And so does my dog. But so many do not.

  13. Thank you for reminding all of us that part of our bliss should be found in being thankful for what we have. My bliss is having a roof over my head, three meals a day (sometimes more :), and a happy and healthy family. Sometimes life tests me, but it could be a great deal worse!

  14. Bliss is definitely a full stomach and a warm bed! 😀

  15. well said and thank you

  16. I agree that bliss is a full stomach and a warm bed..”would that all could have at least that”…Diane

  17. […] The Reality of Bliss ( […]

  18. Whenever I get in a funk, I put on the brakes and know there is someone out there worse than me.. Then I realize how truly blessed my life is..Great reminder for us all!!

    • sometimes it is very hard, but a good thing to keep in mind when we feel down and out

  19. Yes, I agree with you that food and home comforts are so important to a feeling of bliss. I also wish that everyone could experience this. Nice post. 🙂

  20. Bliss is definitely a full stomach and a warm bed. The feeling of crawling into your bed on a cold night is so lovely. I try not to complain about food – even though sometimes it’s not to my liking – and I’m always reminded of what my parents used to say, “You should learn to appreciate the food, regardless of what it is. There are people out there who are sleeping without dinner tonight.”

    • you parents are wise–I will keep that in mind the next time I can’t find “anything to eat” in a full fridge

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