Blissful Play

When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

Responsible Adult Behaviour I

Responsible Adult Behaviour  (Photo credit: monojussi)

Michelle is one curious humanoid. I like that she added (if ever) to her prompt today. Do we ever feel really grown up?

I know I am grown up, because I have grown up responsibilities. I own a home (along with the woman who holds our mortgage); I have a husband; I have kids; I work; and I don’t play enough.

Does being grown up mean we have lost the ability to play? I remember getting lost in the world of play—it was a real world where anything was possible. My dolls could be anything they wanted to be—they were only limited by my imagination. I used to love to use a hammer and nails and make inventions with whatever scraps I found in my dad’s garage—and those inventions were the stuff that made my dreams come true—contraptions that made no sense, but made sense to me.

Different types of stuffed toys

Different types of stuffed toys (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I also used to imagine at night, that the bed that I was on would take me on exotic trips—and I always wanted to have a favourite stuffed animal with me to go on the trip, and some food (usually in the form of crackers) on my bedside table I could grab in case we did not get back in time for breakfast the next morning. (To this day, I think that these night time adventures could be real, and have a package of saltines on my bedside dresser).

Reading was also part of my playing. I remember my brother reading poetry to me before I could read myself—I loved the words and where they could take me. And then when I was able to read myself, the journeys I could go on, and the people I could be in my imagination were boundless.

I want to take back my right to play. Sometimes I can relive those days of play when I create using paper and paste, or scrapbooking, or even making little vignettes throughout my house of objects I have.

 I think the very core of play is creativity, and I think that writing can be counted as play—those times when one is not sweating blood while creating (but even then it can be satisfying when you express something just the right way.) Writing–where you can put your imaginings on paper can be blissful play.

Do you think that writing can be considered playful bliss?

Published in: on March 6, 2013 at 1:45 pm  Comments (48)  
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48 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. LouAnn,
    I started blogging after years of writing blogging strategies for brand and clients. I didn’t know where I was going when I first started… And then I started having fun with Le Clown, and letting creativity take its flow… Writing became blissful.

    • When writing is not “framed” it is a lovely thing–as a reporter I must adhere to some restrictions, as a writer for a home magazine, I had to pander, as a writer of my weekly column and my blog–I am happy–I can be creative without borders. I think that is what you have found as Le Clown–and see what a splash you have made!

  2. Yes ~ and I love it 🙂

  3. When I was eight years old, I was told I was too old to play with dolls. As the eldest of three, I was always the responsible one, and playing was a forgotten skill. My own daughter frequently bemoaned the fact that mommy would not play games with her. Fortunately, mommy, aware of her shortcomings, explained that it was impossible to be all things to all people, even to one other much-loved person, and made sure she had plenty of playmates of all ages. It’s only in the past year, since remembering that the cell phone has a camera, that I’m remembering how to play…and enjoying it very much! xoxoM

    • it does not seem to come naturally until we take the time to do it–we are all so busy with grown up things —

      • Yes, like any other skill it must be practiced to be acquired and, in time, perfected! lol xoxoM

  4. Writing as play? Oh yes. I mean, just look at my blog. Does it look as if I’m being serious? Well, OK, yes, sometimes, but mainly it’s all day playtime for me.
    When i write short stories, sometimes they’re deadly serious and rather sad. Or they’re whimsical. Or they’re funny and upbeat. If that isn’t playing with dolls I don’t know what is.
    Same with my novels. It’s all play.
    When you played as a child, and something went wrong, did you ever say it was your imaginary playmate’s fault? Feels like that sometimes when I’m writing and things get out of control

    • It is like playing with dolls–we give our characters personality and give them things to do — we imagine them to life — how astute

      • Hey, I can do astute I’mn not just a pretty face and a cynical/fluffy nature.
        And I can add up, too.

      • you have to admit though–a pretty face can get you in the door (I am just kidding)

      • Never worked for me. Lackaday.

  5. I’m editing my book right now, so at the moment, writing is not playful. Or should I say editing. However, when I’m not taking it all so seriously, yes yes yes yes it’s playful!

    • editing is stressful for me–not the kind where you correct spelling mistakes–the kind where you have to kill some of your darlings

      • I’m slashing away! I need chocolate and beer.

      • here, here (this is me raising a beer to you – so what it is not 10 a.m. here–it is five o’clock somewhere)

  6. Writing to me is serious business because of my insecurities and history with dyslexia. I have to be in the right frame of mind to have “fun.” I’m just too self critical. My husband is a writer and I watched his process. I figured if he could do it, so could I! haha! I wrote a few screenplays that were actually well received, but because he was so threatened, he sabotaged their success. (Long story – but trust me, he did.) I had fun writing the dialogue and creating characters and putting them in situations. I liked it because I was able to use my psychology to keep the characters real and true. So, in this case, it was fun, but most of the time I’m too tense. I often think about returning to it.

    I’m not a technical writer. I write from my heart and that’s about all I can do. I envy people like you, Lou Ann, who can write beautifully from the heart but also make it perfectly pretty. It seems so effortless for some people — that’s how you know it’s their gift.

    My playfulness probably comes in the form of being a little mischievous or, like you, letting go and using my imagination to create possibilities outside of this world. I totally relate to your hammer and nails contraptions and stuffed animals and crackers. I was the same way. I thought I could build a flying machine by attaching some wings to a bicycle! haha! Oh, goodness! Aren’t we funny!!

    • You have a good combo Lisa–you write from the heart and you write well – and you have a persona that is engaging — give yourself a chance again to play at writing —
      I am happy to hear that I was not the only crazy kid — I like that you thought your bike had wings

  7. LouAnn, I love your post! Yes, I think that writing is playful ~ it’s my playtime nowadays ~ and what I treasure! That and reading my friends’ blogs ~ like your bliss-filled posts everyday! xo

    • I just made a cup of tea – here is to you — and I am glad you treasure your playtime

  8. Yes – definitely. Writing can be whatever you want it to be. I used to write in a journal just for myself and it was just the wanderings of my thoughts.

    And the first time I felt grown-up was when a gas station attendant called me “Ma’am”.

    • Writing is a way of playing when we write for ourselves–it is one of the best reasons to write

  9. Oh yes, writing can be a form of play. I consider my blog a little playground of sorts where I skip and run through fields of words, plucking rhymes from the fruit trees, and occasionally skinning my knee while jumping off the swings. I absolutly love the freedom and friendship that it provides me.

    I think the first time I felt grown-up was the day I suddenly realized that the news anchors on tv, the doctors in the doctors offices, and the sports players on tv were all younger than me. I swear it happened overnight!

    • It most certainly does happen overnight! But if you are still jumping and running and skinny your knees you are not too grown up

  10. I’m in for some chocolate and beer too :), and your question is so easy. Anything that you enjoy that makes you happy right down to your soul can be considered play in my books!! Oh, and by the way, I try to be grownup as little as possible LOL!

  11. I was the oldest of 6 children with a mother who didn’t want to care for her children so it fell to me. I felt so old. When became a mother I wanted to play and savor those moments with my children. So for me I was the grown-up as a child, then a child-like grown up. I refuse to stop having fun.

    • I am glad you refuse to stop having fun — and it is very apparent on your blog that though you are far past the cut and paste phase you do bring things back to life and grandmother your grandchildren well — what I would not have given to have a young grandma like you!

      • Oh don’t count out the cut and paste that’s a huge part of crafting with kids. I too wish my grandmother learned hoe to have fun, but it was my grandfather who was the child at heart.

      • one in awhile my mom would drop her serious mothering and have fun with us–those were the best times–once she put on a pair of my brother’s skates and went skating with us – that was a treat

  12. Writing is hard and it is blissful! Creating is blissful — but sometimes “birthing” an idea can be, well kind of painful, because you explore so many emotions. But I do it anyway. I once decoupaged a bar stool. I know it sounds weird, but I cut out all these pictures and quotes and glued it to the stool. I don’t know what happened to it but I do remember it being a blissful project. I need to do those types of things more often!

    • there is satisfaction in doing something with our hands when we work with our brains so much
      you are right–birthing a story can be hard but satisfying

  13. Answer to your question: no. It’s hard work.

  14. I don’t think one really grows up from the bliss that play brings, rather the play changes 😀


  15. Oh sure! I love to play with words.

  16. As a shy child and still somewhat shy adult, writing affords me the release I need for many thoughts and ideas I have..have always loved words and the power they have..

    • Writing gives me my voice too — I do not express myself all that well in real conversations unless I am really comfortable with the people

  17. Writing is a bit of a double-edged sword for a lot of us, I think. Sometimes it’s rewarding and blissful, other times it can cause some serious pain. Creative mediums are like that but I find that when I’m using my right brain (where all the creativity supposedly comes from), I’m a lot happier than when I’m using my left (the math, science, and logical stuff… NOT fun).

    • I think you are onto something — yes, sometimes writing is difficult, but sometimes it is pure pleasure

  18. Writing is play if you do it for fun! So – in my book – it is 🙂

  19. I think writing can be a very creative playful release..but there is also the darkside. I have unearthed a side of myself that I forgot about– buried in the muck of ‘adulthood”

    • yes, it can uncover things we have forgotten–I tend to try to bury those things, but sometimes they are insistent

  20. Nope, sorry. Never grew up. Still have all my stuffed friends and converse with them regularly. Also imagine inanimate objects–pillows, lamps, shoes etc–to have eyes and emotions. Actually have several sets of googly eyes on hands to bring random household items to life. And, no, I am not insane. I’ve been checked.

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