My Family Loves Our Cat

I am thinking about writing a book about the like/dislike relationship I have with the family cat. I got the idea from Richard, Meredith Viera’s husband who just wrote a book called  something like “I Want to Kill the Dog”.  (They were on Dr. Oz  and I did not take notes, thus I may not have the exact title). The dog loves Meredith. The dog does not like Richard. And Meredith admits that the dog has “barking issues”. Richard says the dog never stops barking. So I was inspired. The following offering was written quickly and just off the top of my head and digresses, but I am thinking that part of the  charm of the book will be its digressions. This is just to give you a laugh or two, and is not even in draft form yet.

Tell me–would you read a story about a cat, but really about my family? So here goes nothing:

My family loves our cat. I mean loooooooooves the cat. I do not. Sometimes I like the cat. Sometimes I do not. Like. Him. Much.

Pretty Cat

Not Kitty Bob but close (Photo credit: katsrcool (Kool Cats Photography)

This morning, for example, after everyone had left the house, the cat wanted to play. Or kill me. I am not sure which. He kept pouncing at my legs and lightly plunging his little sharp cat teeth into my calves. He is “cooling his jets” as it were, in the basement right now. I did not like the game, or the attack. I am still trying to decide which it was.

We named our cat Kitty Bob. Not because we are from the southern United States and like names like Bobby Jo, Jim Bob, or John Boy, though they do have a certain rhythm and lovely cadence. Quite simply, we thought the cat was a female so we named it Kitty (original, right?). Once it was exposed as a boy though we added Bob, so he would not get a complex (you know, the boy named Sue complex). It used to be embarrassing to call the cat from the front door. Now, I don’t care.

Naming things is not something I do particularly well. None of my dolls or stuffed animals that I owned or parented as a kid had names, because I could never decide on a name that was good enough or descriptive of their characteristics. I had a big blue bear and a pink and blue poodle—they were known as Bear and Poodle. I had a teenage doll (my mom never bought me a Barbie or it would have been easy to name)—I called her my “teenage doll”. The only doll I had that had a name was Betsy Wetsy because she came with a name and rather dubious habits of hygiene (she wet her diaper). My sister had a doll called “Tear Drops”—I think she cried (at least she didn’t wet herself—though as a kid I liked feeding my doll water and it leaking out of her.)

English: American television journalist and a ...

American television journalist and a former political advisor, George Stephanopoulos  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: George Clooney at the 2009 Venice Fil...

English: George Clooney at the 2009 Venice Film Festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Both of my sons have the name George, the youngest as a first name, the eldest as a second name. I do not like the name George particularly (except for George Clooney, George Stephanopoulos, George of the Jungle,…okay so I do like the name George–just not when it is applied to my boys). I call the boys Adam and Tyler. (Both their grandfathers were named George, except my dad went by his second name because he did not like his first name, so it is his fault I do not want to call the boys George.) You would not believe how hard my husband bartered, begged, cajoled,  lobbied for the name George. And I was being just the tiniest bit stubborn. I thought we were going to go home with no name kids. Anyway, the crux of the matter is I have trouble naming things, people, and animals.

Okay, that is it — doesn’t sound like a barnburner best seller does it–oh well, sometimes bliss is going back to the drawing board…………

R ~ is for Respect

Winston Churchill in Downing Street giving his...

Winston Churchill in Downing Street giving his famous ‘V’ sign. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I found  a unique definition of the word “respect” courtesy of Winston Churchill. He is purported to have said:

“I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”     

Published in: on September 19, 2012 at 1:46 pm  Comments (41)  
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Comforts ~ Day 11 or “I am too Quirky for my Shirt”

Birds in a row

Birds in a row (Photo credit: The Wren Design)

Anyone can be grateful for the beauty of nature, the kindness of strangers, and that they have a roof over their heads and food on the table.  I have a few things I am grateful for that others might find questionable:

1. I am grateful for crazy glue.

2. I am happy that birds do not die when they perch on electrical wires.

3. I am glad that the cat next door is such a tyrant. Makes me appreciate my cat.

Synopsis of today’s post: Short and sweet sprinkled with a little weird and quirky.


Published in: on August 23, 2012 at 5:51 pm  Comments (32)  
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#3 – Writer’s Devotional Or Why I Would Never Use the Sunday Prompt

English: Logo of Muse in SVG Español: Logo de ...

English: Logo of Muse in SVG Español: Logo de Muse en SVG (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you have followed my haphazard writings about this book thus far, you know the drill: Monday deals with Writers talking about Writers; Tuesday is motivation day,… etc.

Today I am going to concentrate on the Tuesday motivation and the Sunday Writing Prompt of Week 2.

The Tuesday motivation talks about Grammar—the uninteresting, stuffy sister to creativity (sometimes known as the Muse), who is always bright and exciting, and lots of fun to be around.  We all know that having the basics of grammar under our belts is a necessity, and to be honest when I was first introduced to the intricacies of grammar, I loved it. That relationship has waned over the years, and I have a new mantra to cover my bases. It is:  I know the rules so I can break them. That statement is not really true, but it makes up for my loss of memory and any grammar mistakes I make inadvertently.  Sometimes, though I make them on purpose. It is important to know when you are rebelling against the dyed-in-the-wool grammar rules and when you are not—I have to admit, sometimes I am just not sure.

Author of  “The Writer’s Devotional”, Amy Peters states that there “is a whole cottage industry of books on grammar,….each of which offers sound advice. I know because I had to read all of them to write this book.” She says grammar is important but “there are plenty of writers who spit directly in its face.” I do not spit directly in the face of grammar, but sometimes the rules need to be broken, and I have no problem doing that. (Sometimes I break the rules because I do not remember them – but I comfort myself with the fact that I once did.)

The Sunday prompt is probably an easy one for many people. The prompt is: “I like animals,…” but it is not one that motivates me.

It is not that I hate animals–I am just not an animal person. I know this admission makes me sound heartless—but I am not. In fact, I took in a kitten on the day after Halloween about five years ago as it had followed trick or treaters all the night before looking for someone to love it. That cat is now much-loved by the three men who live in my house. Seriously, they L – O – V – E, love, love  this cat.  I feed the cat so it loves me. I put up with it because my sons and husband love it so much. There, that is my animal story—the beginning, middle and end. As you can see “I like animals,…” does not fit the profile.

I have written about our cat (known in these parts as His Royal Highness) in the past. You will find it  in the  September archives of this blog. You will note that the story did not start with “I like animals,….”

Published in: on May 17, 2012 at 9:19 pm  Comments (4)  
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