Swoon Worthy

I have a treat for you—this is a recipe from my sister, Peggy which she promises is swoon worthy (not her words but I translated). She sent it to me in an email and I am giving it to you verbatim except for number 1, where she said to have the ingredients hany—I translated that to mean handy—

I then added a d to refridgerator but spellcheck told me I was wrong so I took it out again. Seems she has a grudge against d, while I am having a love fest with the letter.

Anyway, without further ado—be ready to be amazed:


Hi Lou, (that’s me)
As promised the

Salted Caramel Sauce

2 c. Granulated sugar
12 T. Unsalted butter, room temp., cut into pieces.
1 c. Heavy (whipping) cream
1 T. Fleur de sel (finishing salt)

1.  Have handy all ingredients.

2.  Heat sugar over med. heat.  When sugar starts to melt, whisk (takes a while, be patient). Stop whisking when sugar is completely melted.  Just swirl pan to move sugar around.

3.  Continue cooking until sugar turns a dark amber colour or 350 degrees on a candy thermometer.

4.  As soon as sugar reaches the dark amber stage, add butter, whisk until melted.  Switch to wooden spoon if whisk becomes clumped with sugar.

5.  Remove pan from heat.  Slowly pour in cream, whisking until smooth.  Whisk in salt.  (start with half a T. then taste to see if you would like to add more)

6.  Let caramel cool in pan for 10 min.  Pour into large jar with lid.  Store in refrigerator for one month.

Delicious with anything chocolate or vanilla or ice cream.  I like it over a brownie topped with ice cream.  Experiment….like over pumpkin pie!


For those who get confused easily, the big T is for tablespoon and c. is for cup. Most of you know this already, but I thought I would follow the Martha Stewart train of thought which explains even the tiniest detail in case you do not catch her drift—eg. how to fold a square napkin into a triangle—fold it using the opposite corners, not the adjacent corners (ha ha). I had to add the “ha ha” so you would know I was kidding.


Feel free to tell me what your swoon worthy food is.

Published in: on January 5, 2014 at 1:57 pm  Comments (40)  
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40 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Yes, I can feel myself swooning. Problem is I doubt if we can get the Fleur d… here even though you simplified it to “finishing salt.” We are lucky to get iodized salt with the girl and the umbrella on the front. 🙂

    • how how sea salt–though the girl with the umbrella will need a stronger umbrella as it is bigger (I know this was lame-I think I need to add another ha ha so you know I am kidding)

  2. Oh man, that does sound swoon worthy. Yum.

  3. Sounds yummmmyyyyyyyyyyy!! 🙂 I found salted caramel hot chocolate kcups for our Keurig machine (since I don’t drink coffee), and it is awesome!

    • sounds wonderful–I discovered a salted caramel ice cream that makes pumpkin pie sinful–that is what Peg is referring to in the recipe

  4. Salted caramel! You are a bad girl! 🙂

    • I know- sinful isn’t it?

      • Yes – and one of my favorite flavors on the planet! We have a local restaurant that serves salted caramel creme brulee. I simply cannot resist!

      • I understand

  5. Oh this is dangerous…and a definite recipe to try.

    • we are going to take a walk on the wild side this year Mimi!

      • I’m ready LouAnn!

  6. Yum, this is similar to the sauce I make for caramel corn, so pour it over some popped popcorn and bake a few minutes on low in the oven. (stirring often)
    Gonna try this one, cause its just a bit different than mine! Thanks.

  7. Salted caramel! Delicious stuff but I cannot get the sugar to melt without crystallising. I’ve tried so many times! Took me four goes to makes some salted caramel chocolate mousse! Threw away lots of sugar and had some grotty pans to soak clean. Hope others are more successful! 🙂

    • Try a low, low heat, and a heavy saucepan….just a suggestion

      • Thank you! I will. My hob is an induction one and I wonder if that is a problem. 🙂

  8. Oh I am pumpkin pie to try this on 🙂

  9. Yummers! Wish we lived closer! 🙂

  10. Oh boy.

  11. Drat this New Year’s diet!!! This sounds scrumptious.

  12. Now that sounds like a very yummy treat. I will have to try this. It doesn’t look like it’d be difficult to make!

  13. http://messingaboutinthekitchen.wordpress.com/pseudo-rojak/ Fruit with a spicy peanut sauce like a satay sauce.

    • are you getting healthy on me?

      • No, it’s simply not something you might think about, and absolutely yummy. In Malaysia they do another version using shrimp sauce. ginger, lime juice. I’d cheerfully kill for that.

      • sounds wonderful

      • It is indeed the food of the Gods. I first tried it in Georgetown in Malaysia, after a really crap long-haul flight, and the only time I ever lost luggage despite my travels, and a hotel room with half the ceiling hanging down because of wtar damage. I had a big bowl of laksa and then some rojak from a street vendor, and decided I liked the place after all.
        And the luggage was in our room when we go back.

  14. It’s definitively swoon worthy. (Love those words!) However, with my after-holiday paunch, I shall have to stay away. *grin*

  15. Sounds delicious. Swoon worthy eh? I like that.

  16. It is indeed swoon worthy. It’s the best!

  17. Swooning, maybe. Drooling, definitely. 😛 Yum!

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