Two Faces

 I like to think that January is magical—that magically all my tales of woe will be left behind and I will begin the New Year afresh and anew. American author, Robert Clark disagrees with this outlook saying: “I would say happy New Year but it’s not happy; it’s exactly the same as last year except colder.” I think the truth is somewhere in between. 

The website EarthSky says that“Our modern celebration of New Year’s Day stems from an ancient Roman custom, the feast of the Roman god Janus – god of doorways and beginnings. The name for the month of January also comes from Janus, who was depicted as having two faces. One face of Janus looked back into the past, and the other peered forward to the future.” And to me that is exactly what January is—not two-faced in the objectionable sense, but a month in which we can reflect on our past, plan for the future, while all the while try to make the present as pleasant as possible. Or that is what I wish.

        Clark has a point, just because we go from December 31st to January 1st—things do not change, unless of course we want them to—and that is what January is all about. Grasping for something better, something new, something more gratifying. It provides a break, a corner to turn, a new course to take, a decision to perhaps take the other path in the fork in the road. This year I want to take the road less traveled as inspired by Robert Frost in the last three lines of his poem, “The Road Not Taken”:

        “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

          I took the one less traveled by,

        And that has made all the difference.”

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35 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Here’s to the road less travelled.

  2. And I will enjoy walking beside you whenever possible.

  3. Less travelled but with boots, hat, gloves and very warm jacket.

  4. But it’s SO COLD!!!! 🙂

  5. At least the road less traveled will have less traffic. I’ll take the back roads any time.

  6. Onward, together! 🙂

  7. I love roads less travelled. I hope I see many this year. I think we all enjoy a chance for a fresh start, even if it’s only more of the same. 🙂

    • and you always share your roads less travelled with us–so we can all enjoy them

  8. I think if nothing else.. the new year does tend to make us think about our lives and whether we want to try and make changes… Diane

  9. I guess I’ve taken the road less traveled a few times in my life, Lou. Every New Year I suppose I unconsciously wish to take it more often. Sometimes those surprises or glitches we encounter when we do make life so much sweeter. And more fun too!

    • I think taking the road less traveled is a more interesting path–not easier by any means–but more life affirming–surprises and glitches are welcome (most of the time)

  10. That’s my favourite poem from Frost.

    My mom told me on New Year’s Day that she always hates New Year’s because she dreads thinking about what might happen each new year. I think I prefer to look ahead and hope that things will be better, or at least just as good.

    Here’s hoping, eh?

    • I am with you–there is always hope that things will get better–and that the good things continue
      There must be a reason your mom thinks that way–wonder what it is
      that is my favourite Frost poem too

  11. A wonderful perspective!

    As for myself, I always prefer the road less traveled.

    • may be bumpier but more worthwhile on the whole–or at least that is what I like to think

      • I don’t mind the bumps. They are there to slow us down so we are at the pace we need to discover what is there. 🙂

      • I agree with you

  12. I thoroughly dislike new year. It’s not even new year, is it? That starts the day after the winter solstice.

    • many people are not crazy about the new year

      • Bah! Humbug!
        I hope you have a good one anyway, however grumpy I am.

      • I like curmudgeons–I am a closet grump

      • Rarasaur described me as an optimistic cynic. I don’t know where she got that from.

  13. The road less traveled can be such an interesting road, although it seems most folks won’t quite understand you any more. It’s because they’ve followed the sidewalks and you’ve been lost and scratched by briars and gasped over sunsets between the trees. (OK, maybe those on the sidewalks have had their own adventures.)

  14. Things that make you mmmmmmm

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