Out of Sorts

MUSIC: 200603-200803 Listening History Graph

Discordance (Photo credit: Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL))

Grumpy this morning

Tired, woeful, distressed, sad

Can only improve

(Confession: Truth be told I am not really sad, but needed the extra syllable for my haiku)

Do you ever have days like this–the good thing is, it can only get better.

Published in: on October 30, 2013 at 12:13 pm  Comments (34)  
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34 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I hope you feel better soon and get your “ooomph” back. You are not alone.

  2. Ooooh yea baby. You know it.

    • some days………..

      • Yep. It’s cold, gray and I’m buried in homework. Working the night shift today. I think this day won’t end. BUT there is always chocolate, warm blanket, steaming coffee and my dude at the end … And that is reason to smile at least once today.

      • keep the end in mind- that is how I am getting thru today–I have to paint today (getting an apartment ready for a new tenant–and I hate painting–I get it all over everything) I am so trying no to be a diva about this–after all I clean the bathrooms and kitchens of these places- but ugh I hate painting!

      • Just make swirlies when you paint. That’ll make it more fun 🙂

      • I like that idea

  3. Havin’ one of those days myself…here’s to brighter moments!

    • we will drink a glass of something or other at the end of the day together – cheers!

      • sounds like a plan…;-)

  4. I’m not a morning person so I’m pretty much grumpy until 10 am. My old boss used to avoid me until then and then he would approach slowly and ask, “Is it time yet or are you still waking up?” That always made me smile.

  5. This feeling only happens to me on mornings when I have to go to work. 😉

    • when I have to work at something I do not care to do–like painting today and I do not mean like Renoir–I am a writer not a painter–alas I am also a landlord (heaven save me!)

  6. Not a painter, indeed. You painted a pretty good picture with your Haiku, missy! I hate undertaking messy tasks, too. It’s not the task itself, it’s the clean up, for me. You’ll surely have earned your treats today! xoxoM

    • thank you – I am now covered in white and grey paint–I am not a neat painter–thank goodness I can use words to paint a picture–they don’t drip!

  7. I absolutely have those kinds of days, more often than I like. How many days are there in a year? Oh dear.

  8. I’m definitely not a morning person myself but I can attest to the fact that yes, moods do improve. We can’t be upbeat all the time but at least it doesn’t last too long (unless we let them, but that’s another story).

  9. I know I’m late in commenting, and you might feel better by now, but if not just eat some chocolate and think of my alien friends and their spaceship. They will only take you for a visit to the chocolate planet if you are happy.

  10. Laughing. Very good on the Haiku plug.

  11. Hope your day improved as it went along. 🙂

  12. Here’s a smile to help improve the day 🙂

    • Here is a smile 🙂 back to help you feel better

      • Thanks Lou.

  13. Oh yes, have had many of these days over the years. Yep, the best part is: things can only get better. And sometimes things get really good after a day like this. I think it’s the yin/yang principle. Are you doing better now?

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