Beauty and Grace

"Grace and Beauty" (sheet music) Pag...

“Grace and Beauty” (sheet music) Page 1 of 5 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Michelle from WordPress gave us this little prompt today: “Write a six-word story about what you think the future holds for you, and then expand on it in a post.”

The six word story: She walked in beauty and grace.

Are there any two things in the human experience more wondrous than beauty and grace?  They seem like nebulous terms but are not. Beauty, said often to be in the eye of the beholder is one of the greatest gifts we have been given, and to recognize it, is to live a life well-lived.

Grace can be defined as living in elegance with poise and charm. Ironic is it not that Grace Kelly seemed to be the very definition of her name (let us not delve too deeply into Princess Grace’s life on earth, instead remember her aura.)  My iconic woman of grace though is Audrey Hepburn, who once said: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

Beauty is defined in my Encarta Dictionary as “the combination of qualities that make something pleasing and impressive to look at, listen to, touch, smell or taste.” That pretty well covers everything in our immediate world—finding pleasure in what we see, hear, touch, smell, or taste is a life of beauty.

Saying grace?  Eastern Gray Squirrel immature ...

Saying grace? (Photo credit: Vicki’s Nature)

Grace, as a noun has sister words that I so admire: kindness, decency, charity, benevolence, and mercy. In a more spiritual sense its synonyms are blessing, prayer, and thanksgiving. In a non-secular sense, grace is defined as a gift of God to humankind: “in Christianity, the infinite love, mercy, favour, and goodwill shown to humankind by God.” (Encarta Dictionary)

So when I say that my end story is that I want to walk in beauty and grace—it means that I want to live life to the fullest, to enjoy what it has to give, but also to give back. I try to live a life that does not harm others—I have not always been successful in this, but it is my goal.

She walked in beauty and grace. It is the story I want to unfold.

Published in: on September 10, 2013 at 12:57 pm  Comments (48)  

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48 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Love this, Lou. Very nicely put and written with a confident beauty and grace. Good morning, friend!

  2. A great first post to read this morning!

    • Hi D, how’s it going?? :).

      • Not too shabby, and you? ❤

    • Thanks so much Diana–now I will let you visit with Brigitte–two women of grace conversing–how apropos to my post!

      • Well I’m not being very graceful here, taking up space on your lovely post, but D — I’m good too. Good to see you. :).

      • you are always welcome to meet at my place

      • (smiling) How gracious of you.

      • that is what I was going for………….ha ha

  3. Here I sit with my coffee and no makeup. Don’t know about the beauty part but I am trying to sit here with a modicum of grace anyway. Ha! You’re so great — thank you.

  4. I meant it helps, period. Not you. You know what I meant.

  5. Love this! What a perfect goal for anyone. You chose one of my favorite words, grace. That is my goal, in all forms. But who wouldn’t want beauty as well?! ~ Sheila

    • they go together like peanut butter and jam, plum butter and croissants, Rowan and Martin………….

  6. Your writing certainly shows beauty and grace. I’m not sure I walk with grace, but hopefully parts of my life show both attributes too.

    • no one has ever accused me of walking gracefully (lol) –thanks for the lovely comment and backatcha

  7. Lou Ann .. your attitude me and to others ..has been full of grace and kindness…(not at all meant to be just complimentary …but true) Diane

  8. Beauty on the inside is the most important, and will surely result in a gracious personality.

  9. That’s a story worth leaving behind. Audrey Hepburn was definitely a lady in every sense of the word.

    • yes she was–I greatly admire all her work–and I do not mean just her movies

  10. Yes. Love your 6 words…

  11. […] @ On the HomeFront with her post titled “Beauty and Grace.” You are asked to write 6 words that describe what your future holds for you.  What are […]

    • thank you so much – I am honoured to be chosen to be among your other inspirations (which I checked out btw)

  12. I love this! What better epitaph could any woman hope for than “She walked in beauty and grace”! It is my prayer that I will be able to walk the road set before me with grace. I know that I can only do that by depending on God who walks it with me.

  13. I’m late to this conversation – but I love the post and the six words you chose. And you do my friend – you do walk in beauty and grace.

  14. What a beautiful story…I am writing a very similar story for myself…unlike you, I haven’t honed in on a 6-word version, thought!

  15. This is gracefully written.

  16. I adore Audrey Hepburn. Simply adore here. However, I have to say my favorite actress from that time is Katharine Hepburn. It took me years to figure out they aren’t sisters.

    • Katherine Hepburn had a brave kind of grace and I admire her greatly — she did things her way

  17. […] Beauty and Grace by on the Homefront […]

    • I am so honoured to be featured on your blog–thank you for your generosity–but even more, thank you for enjoying the post 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend Diana

  18. Diana sent me. I enjoyed reading this wonderful post.

    • glad you liked it–and thanks to Diana–although you are already one of my friends

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