Sunday Bliss ~ 1/6/13

Bliss first logo (2006-2008)

 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sunday bliss is:

1. Having just enough syrup to cover your pancakes, a special Sunday breakfast that is a change from our usual oatmeal (or as my husband calls it gruel) and multi-grain Cheerios.
2. Tickets to a movie with popcorn and a drink included. We are going to go see Guilt Trip–which looks like it is funny, and I don’t know about you, but I find funny blissful.
3. A tentative agreement with the NHL – does not really affect me, but I know that it does thousands of people and for you I am happy.
4. Watching Sunday Morning on CBS. Absolutely love this program and love Charles–he calms me for the week ahead.
5. Getting ready to take on the work week with renewed vigour (at least at this point).
In my quest to find my bliss, I am going to feature some of my followers and how they find bliss. I do not refer to the next blogger as a follower (which someone pointed out sounds rather cultish), but as a good friend. Over the last six months we have shared important life happenings as well as jokes and fun. Check her out, but especially check out her Friday Mystery Photo day–we have a riot trying to guess the mystery photo. And it is another form of bliss for me. Without further ado, this is how she found Saturday night bliss:

Cindy from photosfromtheloonybin:

Sitting on the couch with my feet up after a great supper, checking my emails, watching TV with my hubby and smiling as I look around at my clean house = total bliss :)

Give me an example of your total bliss.

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55 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I love Sunday Morning on CBS, too!!!! I love the part when they show that little piece of nature and it’s just serene. It’s very calming.
    Maybe I’ll go for a walk today at the forest preserve to find my bliss…

    Have a fun movie day and enjoy the popcorn!!!

    • I know the popcorn is going to be a treat I usually forego–I love a walk in the forest to find your bliss–lovely idea

  2. My total bliss will happen tonight! My family and I will be sprawled out in the living room watching the premiere of “Downton Abbey,” probably digging into dishes of ice cream. Another winter bliss: lighting a scented candle at sundown and pouring a glass of wine.

    • thank you for reminding me Downton Abbey is on tonight–what if I had forgotten–I would never have forgiven myself–thank you thank you thank you
      –a candle and wine–lovely little blisses

  3. My total bliss – hmmm – there are many, but sitting at my piano and playing beautiful chords takes me into a state of total bliss. And congrats on the clean house, LouAnn!

  4. Saturday morning bliss, the three of us in our bed, watching tv/reading a book and drinking a cup of tea 🙂

  5. Putting “The End” on my current manuscript. Alaskan King Crap legs and drawn butter. Listening to smooth jazz at sunset on the beach. Hearing a baby belly laugh. Now that’s bliss. 🙂

    • all those do constitute bliss–I love each and every one of them-thank you so much–and good luck with that manuscript–a job well done!

  6. Lazy Sunday mornings are blissful….nowhere to be, nothing to do that can’t wait until tomorrow, and looking forward to season 3 of Downton Abbey. Enjoy the movie and popcorn Lou.

    • Thanks Peg–and I will enjoy Downton Abbey tonight and we will discuss it tomorrow–Lou

    • I love lazy Sunday mornings, too. Lying back with a cup of coffee, a good book in hand…sweet.

  7. Bliss for me today was reading your blog. It really brought a smile to my face as I read it out loud to my family :). Thanks LouAnn – you are a great friend!! Wait a minute, I had another moment of bliss this morning too. It was waking up to realize that there is absolutely nothing that I HAVE to do today. Wahooooo!!!! And by the way, I am on my third day of drinking my nutriblast drinks, and I feel great, but don’t worry, I’m still eating chocolate too :).

  8. my bliss is sitting on my bed in the darkness of night, and playing guitar quietly, finger style, and leaning with head resting on it and just closing my eyes and letting the strings drift me with them..;)

    • oh, how I wish I could play an instrument–I can understand that it would be so peaceful drifting away with the notes–thanks for sharing this

  9. your Sunday morning sounds like mine…
    though I am about ready to get ready for work…
    I usually have oatmeal ….I had a toaster strudel today…
    was in a zone of writing so it was faster ….
    I will check out your friend….and thank you for a Sunday smile…
    hope you had a wonderful Christmas and NewYear and I wish for you and yours the best of what is yet to be in 2013….

    • Wishing you a wonderful New Year and I love toaster strudel–nice change from oatmeal ( which I love with a little brown sugar) – sorry you had to go to work–we used a gift from a friend for tickets to the movies and saw “Guilt Trip”–it was charming

  10. The Guilt Trip looks really funny, so I hope you enjoy it! There’s nothing better than a relaxing couple of hours watching a movie and munching on popcorn… preferably caramel popcorn. 😀

    My total bliss can come in many forms. I’m easy enough to please. It can be a really good bar of chocolate, or a nice book, or just snuggling under the blankets when it’s really cold outside!

    • I love all your blisses and enjoy each one on occasion
      the movie was really good — “feel good” and charming and funny–not fall on the floor hilarious but clever and funny

  11. A perfectly peaceful Sunday indeed my friend, thank you for ideas to get me out of jetlag 🙂

    Happy New Year
    Choc Chip Uru

    • glad you are back–hope you had a good time–when you get some rest, let me know what you find blissful–I can only imagine baking might be included

  12. mmm…pancakes and syrup. Sorry, you lost me to my hunger for a minute there.
    My idea of total bliss is lying in bed watching Modern Family with my hubby beside me, snuggled under my super fuzzy blanket, with the furnace pumping warm air all around us, and the knowledge that I get to sleep in late the next morning.

    • ah, that is total bliss, and I love Modern Family
      the pancakes were good–it is one of the few things my husband makes–but he does a good job

      • Too funny. My hubby DOES NOT cook. For the most part, he doesn’t even try. But he does, on occasion, make really yummy Bisquick pancakes. I guess it’s a manly meal.

      • I will pass that on to my husband who is not too sure about Bisquick–maybe he will give it a go–he basically cooks nothing else

  13. Waking up and knowing that I’m going to be speaking to my sister and mom on a Skype video call, within 30 minutes. 🙂

    • that is a wonderful piece of bliss–talking (and seeing) loved ones who are far away

  14. I almost always make pancakes on Sunday mornings also. It just feels like a special treat from the usual rushed weekday breakfasts. Today I made them with apple cider and cinnamon. Delish! 🙂

    • I like that idea–next Sunday–I have put cinnamon in them but never cider–good idea!

  15. Bliss? A day today with no work, chores or needing to be anywhere.. It has been a most blissful day and hope yours was as well..
    Now bring on blissful Monday 😉

  16. Well there’s my ‘reality bliss’ and that’s just being able to sit and vegetate for the day…and watch tv…go on computer, things casually around the house or go out if we want .

    Non-Reality..Bliss…Sitting on a beach somewhere nice and warm with a cool drink in hand and maybe a pool if the ocean gets too rough…..

    Right now non-reality looks kinda good…Diane

  17. Hearing my grand child ask if she could spend the night with me because she loved me and wanted to give me company.

  18. I love this post! I love how I could feel the happy family calm come through your words. And I was pretty happy about the NHL coming to terms with the players 🙂
    Our Sunday mornings almost have a schedule for when everyone rolls out of bed. The noise is so low, and builds subtly. Food gets made and little (but unimaginably important) things get said quietly until some child squeals somewhere with joy and suddenly kids are running around like cats! It’s beautiful and chaotic, and I wouldn’t change a thing 🙂

    • see I knew some people were happy about the NHL — your Sunday mornings sound glorious – chaotic can be good if it is happy kids

  19. Your #1 is definitely a big bliss in my book. It’s kind of the same as when you’re eating pasta with a chunky sauce and the last bit of sauce coincidentally works out to go with the last bit of pasta. I get such a satisfaction kick out of that. 😉
    Being prepared for something that might happen and then having the situation actually happen is also bliss. Doesn’t come often maybe but I had it happen to me last month and in that moment, I felt so happy (and grateful!) I decided to be prepared.

    • food is a lovely bliss–I love when I eat chili, that the last piece of toast or bun or bread is taken with the last bite of chili–I cannot imagine eating chili breadless.
      I like your description in your last paragraph–it can mean so many different things to so many people but if the outcome is bliss then all the preparation is worth it.

  20. Loving & being loved is my bliss!

  21. I baked a chocolate cake yesterday–my bliss. Funny that you mentioned the Sunday morning show. A few days ago the Better Half mentioned missing that show–it was a regular part of our weekend routine. And I’ve been craving American pancakes. Yes I love crepes, but I want a little taste from home.

    • chocolate cake is my bliss too–wonder if you can get Sunday morning on the internet?
      We had to buy more syrup as John made a whole batch of pancakes and we could not eat them all

      • I also like them with strawberry jam and powered sugar sprinkled on top.

      • yum

  22. Sounds like the perfect Blissful Sunday!!! How was the movie?

    • Excellent- charming–I would recommend it — a gentle comedy but heartwarming

  23. I like your list of bliss items! Sounds like it was a grand day…I love cozy days when my husband and I stay in and just “slug” around the house…usually includes a late and scrumptious breakfast, good music, conversation, time to “just be.” We don’t get enough of that, and to me, it is as much fun as some exciting trip or event…just being cozy at home together. My other bliss is a road trip that takes us to charming little towns…love the unexpected! And third, my family! ~ Sheila

    • you mirror me–I love all those things too and –it was a lovely day and the movie was good–charming and quietly funny

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