~ FOUR ~

New Beginning

New Beginning (Photo credit: Melody Campbell)

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The countdown begins. This is the fourth day before a New Year, but like Emerson I do not believe that turning the calendar over to a  new year means everything will be fresh and new. We are given that chance every day.

We  like to have deadlines and celebrations and new beginnings. I understand that. But Tuesday, despite the fact that it will be January 1, 2013 will be just another day. But it will be just another day to make it “the best day of the year.”

I am ready for something new, something exciting, some new resolutions—but I am ready today. I do not have to wait for a few more days—I can make resolutions today if I want to; and break them tomorrow. I do not need a specific date to start a new exercise regimen, lose 5 pounds, or determine to cook healthier. I can do that today. On December 29th.

What do you think? Do we have to wait for the 1st and a New Year to begin anew? Or do you think Emerson is right—we should make today the “best day in the year”?

Published in: on December 29, 2012 at 3:38 pm  Comments (56)  
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56 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Usually used as an excuse for many. I do not bother with them..Maybe a fun one might join in on some but generally I don’t do anything these days to make a resolution about, maybe more blogs or comments..Have a great new year..:)

    • see, you use every day as a good day, not just one in particular–the thing I like about New Years is I get to wish you a Happy 2013

      • 😉 thanks…

  2. I agree everyday is a chance to start again. Xoxoxo

  3. I agree! Any day is a good day for new beginnings, new challenges, new resolutions.

  4. Yes Emerson is right ….Today is the best day …Though many definitely think they will begin anew on Jan. 1st…Diane

  5. Emerson had it right. Why wait to live your life. I think those who put off something until a certain date are trying to delay the pain and frustration associated with their resolution. How many times I have heard, I need to start a diet, I’ll do it Monday because I don’t want to know I won’t be able to enjoy the weekend. So if I were to make a resolution I would have to have a positive one so not to feel deprived as that would be the beginning of the end to the resolution.

    • I like the idea of postive resolutions—so much easier to follow and be successful. I agree with you that people like to put off the unpleasant

  6. I haven’t a clue about today or tomorrow. It just is- today. And that is how my life goes.

  7. Enjoy the day, as long as it’s called today!
    I had similar thoughts recently at http://angieinspired.wordpress.com/

  8. I think you’re right honey, we can change things anytime, but, for me, the beginning of a new year just seems RIGHT. A new year, a new beginning 🙂


  9. I actually think it might be better and more empowering to start earlier than on New Year’s Day. I feel like if you wait for the first, then you’re basically saying I need a special day and circumstance to make good, healthy, new choices. I’m with you, LouAnn, I say start today!
    Lisa 🙂

    • you put that in fine perspective–better than my post – thank you Lisa!

  10. I agree with Emerson. If others like the hype that comes with the wait – it’s all good. Since tomorrow is never promised though – why wait?

  11. I don’t make new Year’s resolutions…..but I like to start projects in January after all the Christmas decor is put away. I look at my home with a fresh eye and decide what needs some attention.

    • did not think about it like that–you have a fresh palate with all the Christmas decor packed away for another year

  12. Make each day count as it says in this beautiful Sanskrit text:

    Look to this day
    for it is life
    the very life of life.
    In its brief course lie all
    the realities and truths of existence
    the joy of growth
    the splendour of action
    the glory of power.
    For yesterday is but a memory
    And tomorrow is only a vision.
    But today well lived
    makes every yesterday a memory
    of happiness
    and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
    Look well, therefore, to this day….

    So, no, don’t wait to start anew – every new day gives that opportunity! All the best to you for happy days 🙂

    • thanks so much for this — I love yesterdy is but a memory and tomorrow is only a vision but today well lived,…–must add this to my quotes

  13. Emerson is wise as usual. Thanks for this!

  14. I agree it is all a mindset– every day should be started and kept positive BUT there is something replenishing about a new digit on the calendar especially if it has been a horrendously exhausting 12 months. Kind of cathartic to see the 12 change to 13. I don’t celebrate New Year’s but I am glad to see 2012 go away.

  15. I’m with you and Emerson (one of my all-time favorite writers) every day one can start anew!

    • we can can’t we Brigitte–happy new year–hope all is well with you and yours

  16. Yup, I completely agree – seize the day and make it a great one! 🙂

  17. Yep. I’m with you too.

  18. I’m up for celebrating each and every day! The rest seems to dissolve into fluff and feathers with time. Every morning is a great time to start all over again being the best possible person…just for that day!

  19. […] On The Homefront […]

  20. Every day…. every moment … is available for a fresh start. I agree! Happy New Year to you and your family. 🙂

    • I am working on every moment right now 🙂 – Happy New Year – come to the party on NY eve

  21. I believe there should not be a set day for resolutions but we should make it the best day every day. 🙂

  22. […]    Reading LouAnn’s blog about making resolutions for the New Year, I was reminded of this beautiful Sanskrit text which I […]

  23. I think every moment is the only moment we can decide anew. Sounds like you realize the spirit of that!

    • I so agree–I live from moment to moment hoping that if I am having a bad moment it will be replaced with a good one

  24. Emerson is right…we should all enjoy today – each day is a gift from God. And as Anne of Green Gable would say, “tomorrow is a fresh day with no mistakes in it” – a fresh new day to start over to make it our best day yet!

  25. The day is no different than any other implicitly, apart from human demarcation, but there is a power in things groups of humans decide collectively to demarcate. I used to ignore the new year as arbitrary, but now I enjoy joining in segmenting one block of time from another and celebrating the possibility in the block to come.

  26. Best day of the year. I like that.

  27. […] ~ Four ~ (onthehomefrontandbeyond.wordpress.com) […]

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